Q: What kind of products does Baby Haven offer?

A: Baby Haven offers high-quality baby products from China, including baby feeding sets, changing tables, baby cribs, baby bassinets, baby carriers, and baby bottles.

Q: Where is Baby Haven located?

A: Baby Haven is located in Shanghai, China.

Q: Does Baby Haven offer international shipping?

A: Yes, Baby Haven offers international shipping to customers in the United States.

Q: How are shipping fees calculated?

A: Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and size of your order and are calculated at checkout.

Q: What is Baby Haven's return policy?

A: Baby Haven offers a 30-day return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Please note that returned items must be in their original packaging and in new, unused condition.

Q: What should I do if my product arrives damaged or defective?

A: If your product arrives damaged or defective, please contact us immediately through our contact us page with your order number and a description of the issue. We will work with you to either replace the item or issue a refund.

Q: Does Baby Haven offer customer service?

A: Yes, Baby Haven is committed to providing excellent customer service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through our contact us page.